


Welcome to the teaching collaboration on Investor Rights and Obligations


This is an open collaboration for investors to share the tools they use to find advisers they can trust. It will be a place for Vision Statements, Investment Policies, RFPs for different service providers, White Papers on Best Practices, and most immediately usable, due diligence questions grouped by category and type of adviser. 


FIRST THINGS FIRST: Click "Join Workspace" at the top of this screen. This will give you access to participate in our collaboration.


Home: Rights and Obligations


News from Other Organizations


Gene Lipitz's latest article about advice given to wealthy parents appeared in Private Asset Management Magazine:

daddy are we rich -confronting parent anxiety.docx

PAM: "Daddy, Are We Rich?"


A wonderful initiative around fiduciary leadership:

The Leadership Bootcamp for Investment Stewards


Here is an article in Forbes about this initiative:

Only Leadership Can Restore Trust on Wall Street


A NOTE FROM OUR NEWEST Senior Editor, Matt Erskine:


Thank you Gene for inviting me to contribute to 8x8 


I have uploaded several files and I thought that I would explain my reasons for doing so.  This is part of an ongoing discussion Gene and I started at the Family Office Metrics event in New York this spring.  Here is a really quick summary of that discussion: 



Read more here


An animation created in collaboration with my daughter to introduce investors to the problem...

Getting Started

At this stage we have developed a draft set of rights and obligations of sophisticated investors and family offices(yes, eight total). We are looking for participants to comment and help develop these and to suggest meta-questions and generally goods lines of inquiry for each kind of right or obligation. Any contribution, including existing RFPs, DDQs, Vision Statements, Policy and Procedure manuals, documented Workflows, Needs Assessments or other tools that you currently use and think others would benefit from are also very welcome.


Look for the "Edit" link on the top right of the page to make suggested edits. Don't worry about messing it up, old versions are retained. You can also feel free to use the comment box below. This is a collaboration for investors that will be served by the project so useless remarks will of course be removed. Bankers and brokers need not enter!


Click the button below to see and contribute to the project.


Here is the heart of the project (and see more videos):


Home: Rights and Obligations



Gene is speaking on this topic and related topics at the Camden /IPI on May 21st at the St. Regis in Manhattan.


The original work that forms the basis of this site was uploaded on October 8th, 2012 and is Copyright 2012 by Gene Lipitz. It can not be used in whole or in part without the express permission of Gene Lipitz.